Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Single Mom Blues

As a single mom most days I just do what I need to do for the children without so much as a sigh of frustration or fatigue. Then there are other days where I dream of just leaving them with their father and not returning for six months to a year. I need a break. I needed a break when I was married and sharing the parenting duties with their father (because it was already a lopsided arrangement).Of course I know I would never abandon my children, it's just not an option, but it doesn't dismiss the thoughts from popping up periodically. I don't care if other perceive this as being selfish...they probably don't have children of their own or if they do they have a nanny (who when she is not chasing the little cherubs around the house she is blogging on her online diaries titled Nanny Diaries II) who makes it possible for her to have the much coveted "me-time". As I write this tonight I was already interrupted 3 times by each of the children. It's an hour past their bedtime and call me a bad mommy but with 2 weeks left in the school year I have not enforced the bedtime lights out at 9:30 rule for the past week. But for my mental well being I am now going to end this so I can chase them back into their rooms and out of my hair.

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